Lawrence Cabac
, Michael Duvigneau, Daniel Moldt, and Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus.
Towards unit testing for Java reference nets.
In Bergenthum and Desel (eds.), Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze. 18. Workshop AWPN 2011, Hagen, September 2011. Tagungsband, pages 1-6.
Abstract: When using high-level Petri nets in a software engineering context as source code mixed with Java classes, verification of the whole system is impossible. We present net components that are designed to test the behavior of Petri nets under development. In a second step, the execution of these test components is automated and integrated into the unit testing framework JUnit. As the paper presents work in progress, it concludes with a discussion of open questions concerning conceptual and implementation issues.
@InProceedings{Cabac+11, author = {Cabac, Lawrence and Duvigneau, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias}, title = {Towards Unit Testing for {Java} Reference Nets}, crossref = {Bergenthum+-e-11}, pages = {1--6}, year = 2011, keywords = {high-level Petri nets, reference nets, testing, verification, JUnit, Renew}, abstract = {When using high-level Petri nets in a software engineering context as source code mixed with Java classes, verification of the whole system is impossible. We present net components that are designed to test the behavior of Petri nets under development. In a second step, the execution of these test components is automated and integrated into the unit testing framework JUnit. As the paper presents work in progress, it concludes with a discussion of open questions concerning conceptual and implementation issues.}, } @Proceedings{Bergenthum+-e-11, title = {{Algorithmen und Werkzeuge f{\"u}r Petrinetze}. 18. Workshop AWPN 2011, Hagen, September 2011. Tagungsband}, booktitle = {{Algorithmen und Werkzeuge f{\"u}r Petrinetze}. 18. Workshop AWPN 2011, Hagen, September 2011. Tagungsband}, year = 2011, url = {}, editor = {Bergenthum, Robin and Desel, J{\"o}rg}, editorplain = {Bergenthum, Robin and Desel, Joerg}, annote = {\url{}} }
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