Entry last updated: 2015/8/26
Entry last validated: 2015/8/26
Tool homepage: webspn.unime.it
Tool availability: Free of charge
Tool Features
Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology)
- Stochastic Petri Nets
- Non Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets
Components (see also help on terminology)
- Graphical Editor
- Token Game Animation
- State Spaces
- Condensed State Spaces
- Advanced Performance Analysis
- Memory policies
Tool Description
WebSPN is a modeling tool for the analysis of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets that relaxes some of the restrictions present in currently available packages.
This tool provides a discrete time approximation of the stochastic behavior of the model which results in the possibility to analyze a wider class of Petri net models with prd, prs and pri concurrently enabled generally distributed transitions.
WebSPN makes wide use of Java technology and it is easily accessible from any node connected with the Internet as long as it possesses a Java-enabled Web browser.
The kernel implements a parallel algorithm based on Message Passing MPI-2, so the solution engine can run over a cluster of workstations.
Contact Information
Marco Scarpa
DICIEAMA - University of Messina
C.da Di Dio, (S. Agata)
98166 - Messina
Phone: +39 090 393228
Fax: +39 090 393502
E-mail: mscarpa@unime.it
Other Remarks
The maintainers of this page