PNML Framework


Entry last updated: 2008/10/20
Entry last validated: 2008/10/20

Tool homepage:

Tool availability: Free of charge

Tool Features

Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology) Components (see also help on terminology)


Tool Description

PNML Framework is a prototype implementation of ISO/IEC-15909 part 2, International Standard on Petri Net Markup Language.

The primary purpose of PNML is to enable interoperability among Petri net tools. Thanks to this standard transfer format, tools should be able to exchange Petri nets models, according to the standard specifications.

PNML framework has thus been designed to back the Standard. It will enable Petri nets tools developers to seamlessly integrate PNML support into their tools. It provides an extensive and comprehensible API to:

This work is jointly directed by F. Kordon (LIP6, Univ P. & M. Curie), L. Pettruci (LIPN/ Univ Paris XIII) and N. Trˆves (CNAM/CEDRIC) within their AFNOR activities.

Development is handled by L.M. Hillah (LIP6, Univ P. & M. Curie).

Contact Information

F. Kordon & L.M. Hillah
LIP6, Universit‰ P. & M. Curie
4 place Jussieu
5722 Paris cedex 05

Phone:  +33 1 44 27 88 20
Fax:    Remember country code

Other Remarks

This is the second generation of PNML Framework, supporting stable definitions of new Petri nets types from the Standard, which is expected to be definitively adopted by 2009. Feedback is welcome.
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