Petri Net Toolbox


Entry last updated: 2004/1/9
Entry last validated: 2004/5/17

Tool homepage:

Tool availability: Commercial (discounts for academic institutions)

Tool Features

Petri Nets Supported (see also help on terminology) Components (see also help on terminology)


Tool Description

The Petri Net Toolbox is a software tool for simulation, analysis, and design of discrete event systems, based on Petri Net models. Five types of Petri Net models are accepted: untimed, transition-timed, place-timed, stochastic, and generalized stochastic nets. The timed nets can be deterministic or stochastic. Places may have finite or infinite capacity. Priorities or probabilities can be assigned to conflicting transitions. A graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to draw, store, and retrieve Petri Net models, as well as to start the procedures for simulation, analysis, and design. Animated demos and online help are available.

Contact Information

Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi
Departament of Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics
Blvd. Mangeron, no. 53 A 
Iasi, 700050 

Phone:  +40-232-230751
Fax:    +40-232-230751

Other Remarks

Typical end users of the Petri Net Toolbox include educators, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and specialists working in research and development. All the procedures available in the Petri Net Toolbox are implemented as M-files and are designed in a modular fashion to start from the GUI.
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