Call for Papers and Announcement
17th International Conference on
Application and Theory of Petri Nets
Osaka, Japan, June 24-28, 1996
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Due:
- November 15, 1995
- Notification:
- February 20, 1996
- Final Version Due:
- March 31, 1996
- Tutorials:
- June 24-25, 1996
- Conference:
- June 26-28, 1996
The 17th Annual International Petri Net Conference and Tutorial will be
organised by the Technical Group on Concurrent System Technology in the
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, together
with the Technical Group on Discrete Event Systems in the Society of
Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan. Papers presenting original
contributions in any area of application and theory of Petri nets are
sought. The language of the conference is English.
- System design and verification using nets
- Causality/partial order theory of concurrency
- Analysis and synthesis, structure and behaviour of nets
- Net-based semantical, logical and algebraic calculi
- Higher-level net models
- Timed and stochastic nets
- Relationships between net theory and other approaches
- Symbolic net representation (graphical, textual, ...)
- Computer tools for nets
- Experience with using nets, case studies
- Educational issues related to nets
- Applications of nets to:
- office automation
- flexible manufacturing
- programming languages
- protocols and interfaces
- hardware structures
- real-time systems
- performance evaluation
- operations research
- embedded systems
The conference takes place under the auspices of: AFCET SIG "Systèmes
Parallèles et Distribués" and CNRS-C3, AICA, BCS SIG "Formal Aspects of
Computing Science", EATCS and GI SIG "Petri Nets and Related System
Paper Submissions
Authors are invited to submit papers for the conference. The conference has
two co-chairs. Theoretical papers should be sent to Prof. Wolfgang Reisig,
while application papers should be sent to Prof. Jonathan Billington.
Papers on the boundary of theory and application may be submitted to either
co-chair. The title page must clearly indicate whether the paper is
submitted as a theory paper, an application paper or both. An application
paper is a paper which describes one or more concrete projects in which
Petri net models and tools have been used in practice.
Submissions for papers (6 copies) must be received no later than November
15, 1995. Use of express or courier mail is recommended. The length of the
paper cannot exceed 20 pages, and the paper should be in such a form that
it can be immediately included in the proceedings without major revisions.
The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the
topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above. The paper must
clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the
results achieved and the relation to other work. Submissions received too
late and submissions sent by e-mail or fax will not be accepted. Authors
will be notified of acceptance/rejection by February 20, 1996.
The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. The final version of accepted papers must be received by
Prof. Wolfgang Reisig no later than March 31, 1996. Each final paper must
be no more than 20 pages and in a form that can be included in the
proceedings without any changes. Detailed instructions about formatting
will be sent to the authors of accepted papers. Authors using LaTeX or TeX
may obtain style files from Springer-Verlag via anonymous ftp or e-mail
(llncs for LaTeX and plncs for TeX). For more information contact
Springer-Verlag (springer@vax.ntp.
Program Committee Co-Chair
(Theoretical Papers)
Prof. Wolfgang Reisig
Computer Science Department
Humboldt-University of Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 20181 220
Fax: +49 30 20181 221
Program Committee Co-Chair
(Application Papers)
Prof. Jonathan Billington
Inst. for Telecom. Res., SPRI building
University of South Australia
Warrendi Road, The Levels, Pooraka
South Australia, 5095
Phone: +61 8 302 3865
Fax: +61 8 302 3873
Organising Committee Chair
Prof. Sadatoshi Kumagai
Department of Electrical Engineering
Osaka University
Suita, Osaka 565
Telephone: +81 6 879 7693
Telefax: +81 6 875 2672
The conference takes place Wednesday to Friday. However, the preceding
Monday and Tuesday also offer a large variety of Petri net activities.
The Introductory Tutorial is offered to participants who have little or no
prior experience with Petri nets. The talks give an overview of the area,
and they will help new-comers to understand the basic ideas in many of the
conference contributions. The Advanced Tutorials and Workshops are offered
to those who already have some knowledge of Petri nets. They are divided
into several strands covering different subjects. A detailed description of
the tutorials and workshops will be included in the final program.
There will be an Exhibition of Computer Tools for Petri nets. During the
tutorial days each tool will have its own scheduled time allowing a
coherent presentation for a large audience. Moreover, the tools are
demonstrated throughout the conference.
Finally, it will be possible to arrange meetings for different groups,
e.g., participants in international Petri net projects. It will also be
possible to arrange small educational courses, e.g., with respect to some
of the demonstrated Petri net tools.
Tool demonstrations, meetings and courses are free of charge for the
participants. Submissions for such activities must contain a 2-5 page
description. They must be received by Prof. Jonathan Billington before
January 16, 1996.
History of the Conference
The conference was formerly called the European Workshop on Applications
and Theory of Petri Nets. Listed below are the conference sites from 1980
to 1995:
- 1980 Strasbourg, France
- 1981 Bad Honnef, Germany
- 1982 Varenna, Italy
- 1983 Toulouse, France
- 1984 Aarhus, Denmark
- 1985 Espoo, Finland
- 1986 Oxford, UK
- 1987 Zaragoza, Spain
- 1988 Venice, Italy
- 1989 Bonn, Germany
- 1990 Paris, France
- 1991 Aarhus, Denmark
- 1992 Sheffield, UK
- 1993 Chicago, USA
- 1994 Zaragoza, Spain
- 1995 Torino, Italy
The aim of the conference is to create a forum for discussing progress in
the application and theory of Petri nets. Typically, the conferences have
150-200 participants - one third of these coming from industry, the rest
from universities and research institutions. The conference takes place in
the last week of June.
Program Committee
- P. Azema, France
- J. Billington, Australia (co-chair)
- S. Christensen, Denmark
- J.M. Colom, Spain
- F. de Cindio, Italy
- J. Esparza, Germany
- G. Franceschinis, Italy
- H.C.M. Kleijn, Holland
- S. Kodama, Japan
- M. Koutny, UK
- C. Lakos, Australia
- T. Murata, USA
- L. Ojala Finland
- K. Onaga, Japan
- L. Petrucci, France
- W. Reisig, Germany (co-chair)
- D. Simpson, UK
- D. Stotts, USA
- M. Woodside, Canada
Steering Committee
- M. Ajmone Marsan, Italy
- J. Billington, Australia
- H. J. Genrich, Germany
- C. Girault, France
- K. Jensen, Denmark
- G. De Michelis, Italy
- T. Murata, USA
- C. A. Petri, Germany (honorary member)
- W. Reisig, Germany
- G. Roucairol, France
- G. Rozenberg, The Netherlands (chair)
- M. Silva, Spain
Other major activities of the Petri net community:
Petri Net Newsletter
The newsletter is published twice a year by the Special Interest Group on
Petri Nets and Related System Models of the Gesellschaft für Informatik. It
contains short research articles, state-of-the-art reports,
news-from-country columns, announcements of meetings, abstracts of recent
publications, etc. The editors are:
Jörg Desel (
Peter Starke (
Rüdiger Valk (
Contributions should be sent to one of the editors. Deadlines are the end
of March and the end of September. Subscription forms can be ordered from
the first editor. Subscription forms (and former issues) can also be
ordered via fax or mail from the following address. The current price is 20
DM per year (approximately 12 US $):
Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.
Godesberger Allee 99
D-53175 Bonn
Fax: +49 228 959 9420
Advances in Petri Nets
This series is published by Springer-Verlag (within the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series). The volumes are edited by G. Rozenberg. The
intention of this series is to present the most significant recent results
in the application and theory of Petri Nets to the broad computer science
community. Each volume of Advances is devoted to a specific research area
(thus, e.g., the next two volumes are devoted to CSCW and to protocols). To
get more information about Advances please contact:
Prof. G. Rozenberg
Dept. of Computer Science
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9512, NL-2300 Leiden
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 712 770 67/63
Fax: +31 712 769 85
Advanced Courses on Petri Nets
These courses are organised periodically in order to present the progress
in Petri nets in a systematic way. There have been two such previous
courses: Hamburg 1979 and Bad Honnef 1986. The material from these courses
has also been published by Springer-Verlag (as Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series).
Petri Net Mailing Group
The Petri net mailing group is used to disseminate conference calls,
technical questions, and all other kinds of Petri net related information.
It works in a similar way as a news group. The mailing group is maintained
by the Computer Science Department at Aarhus University, Denmark. More
information about the mailing group can be obtained by sending an e-mail to:
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