Finite Model Theory Bibliography

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention a bibliography for finite model theory that was started right after the San Diego workshop in 1992. The bibliography can be consulted and updated by anonymous ftp from UCSD (instructions below). Unfortunately, no updates have been made since 1992. It would be very useful to have this bibliography kept up-to-date. You are encouraged to help do this by periodically contributing your updates.

All the best,
--Victor Vianu (

Accessing and Updating the Bibliography

The finite model theory bibliography is accessible by anonymous ftp at
(80kb). The file is finitebib.bib in the directory pub.

To obtain the file connect to by anonymous ftp, then type

>cd pub
>get finitebib.bib
To update the file, follow this protocol:
  1. Get the file.
  2. Check the LOCK STATUS of the file (a comment line at the beginning of the file). If the file status is LOCKED, you cannot update the file -- someone else is about to do it. Otherwise, proceed.
  3. IMMEDIATELY after getting the file, change the lock status comment line to "LOCKED by ... (your email)" and put back the file via ftp and the commands
    >cd pub
    >put finitebib.bib
  4. Make your changes to the file. Please stick to the bibtex format and do a test bibtex run to make sure there are no errors. As soon as you are done, change the lock status to UNLOCKED and put the file back via anonymous ftp using again the commands
    >cd pub
    >put finitebib.bib
    Do not keep the file locked for extended periods.

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Victor Vianu (