Georg Zetzsche.
Erasing in Petri net languages and matrix grammars.
In Volker Diekert and Dirk Nowotka, editors, Developments in
Language Theory, 13th International Conference, DLT 2009, Stuttgart, Germany,
June 30-July 3, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5583 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 490-501, 2009.
Abstract: It is shown that applying linear erasing to a Petri net language yields a language generated by a non-erasing matrix grammar. The proof uses Petri net controlled grammars. These are context-free grammars, where the application of productions has to comply with a firing sequence in a Petri net. Petri net controlled grammars are equivalent to arbitrary matrix grammars (without appearance checking), but a certain restriction on them (linear Petri net controlled grammars) leads to the class of languages generated by non-erasing matrix grammars.
It is also shown that in Petri net controlled grammars (with final markings and arbitrary labeling), erasing rules can be eliminated, which yields a reformulation of the problem of whether erasing rules in matrix grammars can be eliminated.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Zetzsche09, AUTHOR = {Zetzsche, Georg}, TITLE = {Erasing in {Petri} Net Languages and Matrix Grammars}, BOOKTITLE = {Developments in Language Theory, 13th International Conference, DLT 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, June 30--July 3, 2009. Proceedings}, EDITOR = {Diekert, Volker and Nowotka, Dirk}, PAGES = {490--501}, YEAR = 2009, VOLUME = 5583, SERIES = LNCS, ABSTRACT = {It is shown that applying linear erasing to a Petri net language yields a language generated by a non-erasing matrix grammar. The proof uses Petri net controlled grammars. These are context-free grammars, where the application of productions has to comply with a firing sequence in a Petri net. Petri net controlled grammars are equivalent to arbitrary matrix grammars (without appearance checking), but a certain restriction on them (linear Petri net controlled grammars) leads to the class of languages generated by non-erasing matrix grammars. It is also shown that in Petri net controlled grammars (with final markings and arbitrary labeling), erasing rules can be eliminated, which yields a reformulation of the problem of whether erasing rules in matrix grammars can be eliminated.} }
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