Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus and Daniel Moldt.
Modelling an open and controlled system unit as a modular component
of systems of systems.
In Köhler-Bußmeier et al. (Hrsg.), Organizational Modelling, International Workshop, OrgMod'09. Proceedings, pages
Preproceedings available online at
Kurzfassung: Modern software systems are frequently characterized as systems of systems. Agent-orientation as a software engineering paradigm exhibits a high degree of qualification for addressing many of the accompanying challenges. However, systems of systems demand for means of hierarchical/recursive decomposition that are not inherently rooted in the agent-oriented paradigm. We present a model of a system unit that both embeds system actors and is itself embedded as a collective system actor in surrounding system units. We supply generic concepts and mechanisms for combining the system unit's control structures and its openness. This allows the system unit to be applied at arbitrary levels of a system of systems in a recursive fashion.
@inProceedings{Wester+09, author={Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias and Moldt, Daniel}, title={Modelling an Open and Controlled System Unit as a Modular Component of Systems of Systems}, abstract={Modern software systems are frequently characterized as systems of systems. Agent-orientation as a software engineering paradigm exhibits a high degree of qualification for addressing many of the accompanying challenges. However, systems of systems demand for means of hierarchical/recursive decomposition that are not inherently rooted in the agent-oriented paradigm. We present a model of a system unit that both embeds system actors and is itself embedded as a collective system actor in surrounding system units. We supply generic concepts and mechanisms for combining the system unit's control structures and its openness. This allows the system unit to be applied at arbitrary levels of a system of systems in a recursive fashion.}, crossref = {Koehler+-e-09}, pages={81--100}, year={2009} } @Proceedings{Koehler+-e-09, title = {Organizational Modelling, International Workshop, OrgMod'09. Proceedings}, booktitle = {Organizational Modelling, International Workshop, OrgMod'09. Proceedings}, year = 2009, editor = {K{\"o}hler-Bu{\ss}meier, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and Boissier, Olivier}, series = {Technical Reports Universit{\'e} Paris 13}, address = {99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Cl{\'e}ment, 93 430 Villetaneuse}, month = jun, publisher = {Universit{\'e} Paris 13}, url = {\#proceedings}, note = {Preproceedings available online at \url{\#proceedings}} }
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