Thomas Wagner.
A centralized Petri net- and agent-based workflow management
In Duvigneau and Moldt , Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Modeling of Objects, Components and Agents, MOCA'09, Hamburg, pages 29-44.
In this contribution a prototypical agent-based workflow management system is presented. It was modeled using the Mulan and Capa agent architectures and uses workflow nets to realize workflow logic. The system will be described in detail, including the different agent types, the user interface and an example of how the system is used. Concluding the contribution will be a short look at future developments of the system and related work.
@InProceedings{Wagner09, author = {Wagner, Thomas}, title = {A Centralized {Petri} Net- and Agent-based Workflow Management System}, crossref = {Duvigneau+-e-09}, pages = {29--44}, year = 2009, abstract = {In this contribution a prototypical agent-based workflow management system is presented. It was modeled using the Mulan and Capa agent architectures and uses workflow nets to realize workflow logic. The system will be described in detail, including the different agent types, the user interface and an example of how the system is used. Concluding the contribution will be a short look at future developments of the system and related work.} } @Proceedings{Duvigneau+-e-09, editor = {Duvigneau, Michael and Moldt, Daniel}, title = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Modeling of Objects, Components and Agents, MOCA'09, Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Modeling of Objects, Components and Agents, MOCA'09, Hamburg}, number = {FBI-HH-B-290/09}, url = {}, urn = {urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-228-7-1495}, series = {Bericht}, publisher = FBIUniHHab2006, address = FBIUniAdresse, month = sep, year = 2009 }