Heiko Rölke.
Modeling with net references and synchronous channels.
In Moldt , Petri Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop, PNSE'09. Proceedings, pages 157-171.
Nets-within-nets offer some modeling possibilities which are not available (or only to a limited extent) in classical Petri nets formalisms like P/T nets or colored Petri nets. This holds especially true in the formalism of reference nets. The extended modeling possibilities arise from the newly come concepts, e.g. net instances generated at run-time and synchronization between transitions. This paper focuses on practical aspects of the new modeling possibilities - rather than theoretical backgrounds - and demonstrates them in practical examples. As a modeling language reference nets [7] are used. This is the only nets-within-nets formalism implemented up to now and with Renew [8] a powerful simulation tool-set is available. The examples presented throughout the paper can serve as an introduction to advanced modeling using reference nets.
@InProceedings{Roelke09, author = {R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Modeling with Net References and Synchronous Channels}, crossref = {Moldt-e-09a}, pages = {157--171}, year = 2009, abstract = {Nets-within-nets offer some modeling possibilities which are not available (or only to a limited extent) in classical Petri nets formalisms like P/T nets or colored Petri nets. This holds especially true in the formalism of reference nets. The extended modeling possibilities arise from the newly come concepts, e.g. net instances generated at run-time and synchronization between transitions. This paper focuses on practical aspects of the new modeling possibilities - rather than theoretical backgrounds - and demonstrates them in practical examples. As a modeling language reference nets [7] are used. This is the only nets-within-nets formalism implemented up to now and with Renew [8] a powerful simulation tool-set is available. The examples presented throughout the paper can serve as an introduction to advanced modeling using reference nets.} } @Proceedings{Moldt-e-09a, title = {{Petri} Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop, PNSE'09. Proceedings}, booktitle = {{Petri} Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop, PNSE'09. Proceedings}, year = 2009, editor = {Moldt, Daniel}, series = {Technical Reports Universit{\'e} Paris 13}, address = {99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Cl{\'e}ment, 93 430 Villetaneuse}, month = jun, publisher = {Universit{\'e} Paris 13}, url = {http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/events/pnse09/}, }