Michael Köhler-Bußmeier, Daniel Moldt, and Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus.
A formal model for organisational structures behind process-aware
information systems.
In Jensen and van der Aalst (eds.), Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency II, Special Issue on Concurrency in Process-Aware Information Systems, pages 98-115.
Abstract: We present a formal model for the organisation of process-aware information systems. Our approach focuses on the structures "behind" business processes, like e.g. team formation and coordination. Our Petri net based model directly integrates organisational concepts like roles, teams etc. -- allowing an alignment of business and IT. The benefit of this modelling overhead is that business reorganisation processes are carried out as formal model transformations. Additionally, the automated mapping of our models to multi-agent systems -- in the spirit of the model driven architecture idea -- is directly supported by our approach.
@InCollection{Koehler+09g, author={K{\"o}hler-Bu{\ss}meier, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias}, title={A Formal Model for Organisational Structures Behind Process-Aware Information Systems}, abstract={We present a formal model for the organisation of process-aware information systems. Our approach focuses on the structures "behind" business processes, like e.g. team formation and coordination. Our Petri net based model directly integrates organisational concepts like roles, teams etc. -- allowing an alignment of business and IT. The benefit of this modelling overhead is that business reorganisation processes are carried out as formal model transformations. Additionally, the automated mapping of our models to multi-agent systems -- in the spirit of the model driven architecture idea -- is directly supported by our approach.}, crossref ={Jensen+-e-09}, pages={98--115}, year = 2009 } @proceedings{Jensen+-e-09, editor = {Jensen, Kurt and van der Aalst, {Wil M. P.}}, title = {Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency II, Special Issue on Concurrency in Process-Aware Information Systems}, series = LNCS, volume = {5460}, publisher = Springer, year = {2009}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00899-3}, xdoi = {10.1007/978-3-642-00899-3}, isbn = {978-3-642-00898-6} }
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