Lawrence Cabac
Net components: Concepts, tool, praxis.
In Moldt (Hrsg.), Petri Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop, PNSE'09. Proceedings, pages 17-33.
Kurzfassung: The design of complex Petri net models is a challenge with respect to intuition, correctness and efficiency. In the case that systems' models are of large scale and consist of numerous nets, as in the case of Petri net-based software engineering, net components - an implementation of a pattern-based approach - are applied successfully. This paper summarizes our efforts made and experiences with net components. It illustrates the concept, design and usage of net components. It additionally presents the experiences gained from several software development projects over the last few years.
Net components are subnets that are combined with each other to form a Petri net. By this component-based approach of constructing Petri nets, the construction of nets is facilitated as well as accelerated, and the Petri nets are structured in an intuitive, easily readable and unified way. To illustrate the presented concepts, some net components that are frequently used in an agent-oriented approach in the context of Mulan are introduced. Besides the fact that they provide the basic functionality in regard to the communication that is done by protocol nets, also some simple patterns and programming artifacts are introduced into the development process.
@InProceedings{Cabac09c, author = {Cabac, Lawrence}, title = {Net Components: Concepts, Tool, Praxis}, crossref = {Moldt-e-09a}, pages = {17--33}, year = 2009, abstract = {The design of complex Petri net models is a challenge with respect to intuition, correctness and efficiency. In the case that systems' models are of large scale and consist of numerous nets, as in the case of Petri net-based software engineering, net components - an implementation of a pattern-based approach - are applied successfully. This paper summarizes our efforts made and experiences with net components. It illustrates the concept, design and usage of net components. It additionally presents the experiences gained from several software development projects over the last few years. Net components are subnets that are combined with each other to form a Petri net. By this component-based approach of constructing Petri nets, the construction of nets is facilitated as well as accelerated, and the Petri nets are structured in an intuitive, easily readable and unified way. To illustrate the presented concepts, some net components that are frequently used in an agent-oriented approach in the context of Mulan are introduced. Besides the fact that they provide the basic functionality in regard to the communication that is done by protocol nets, also some simple patterns and programming artifacts are introduced into the development process.}, annote = {filename=PNSE_Netcomponents/netcomponents.tex} } @Proceedings{Moldt-e-09a, title = {{Petri} Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop, PNSE'09. Proceedings}, booktitle = {{Petri} Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop, PNSE'09. Proceedings}, year = 2009, editor = {Moldt, Daniel}, series = {Technical Reports Universit{\'e} Paris 13}, address = {99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Cl{\'e}ment, 93 430 Villetaneuse}, month = jun, publisher = {Universit{\'e} Paris 13}, url = {}, }
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