Benjamin Schleinzer
, Lawrence Cabac
, Daniel Moldt, and Michael Duvigneau.
From agents and plugins to plugin-agents, concepts for flexible
In Akshai Aggarwal, Mohamad Badra, and Fabio Massacci, editors, NTMS 2008, 2nd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and
Security, November 5-7, 2008, Tangier, Morocco. Electronical
proceedings, pages 1-5. IEEE Xplore, November 2008.
Flexibility in software systems is needed to allow adaption to increasing demands of users. To ease the development of flexible architectures several approaches are used, which often differ already on the conceptual grounds. Two of these paradigms are characterized by the strong underlying metaphors plug-ins and agents. Plug-ins emphasize on an extension relation between pairs of components where each component participates in a clearly specified role. Agents have a wide variety of attributes, such as mobility, autonomy, adaptability and pro-activeness. The general relationship of agents is that of peers mutually offering and using their services -- higher organizational abstractions have to be implemented based on this service-oriented view.[link]
This paper proposes to conjoin both paradigms of multi-agent systems and plug-in systems, leading to the concept of a plug-in agent. First, we discuss characteristics of both concepts. The discussion clearly shows that agents and extensible components have structural similarities. This follows the combination of both concepts into the new concept of the plug-in agent.
The approach presented in this paper is unique as it handles both concepts on the same architectural level -- to our knowledge, all other existing combinations of agents and plug-ins use one of the concepts to model or implement the other.
@InProceedings{Schleinzer+08, author = {Schleinzer, Benjamin and Cabac, Lawrence and Moldt, Daniel and Duvigneau, Michael}, title = {From Agents and Plugins to Plugin-Agents, Concepts for Flexible Architectures}, booktitle = {{NTMS} 2008, 2nd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, {N}ovember 5-7, 2008, {T}angier, {M}orocco. Electronical proceedings}, editor = {Aggarwal, Akshai and Badra, Mohamad and Massacci, Fabio}, pages = {1--5}, month = nov, year = 2008, ISBN = {978-1-42443547-0}, xdoi = {10.1109/NTMS.2008.ECP.49}, url = {}, publisher = {{IEEE Xplore}}, abstract = {Flexibility in software systems is needed to allow adaption to increasing demands of users. To ease the development of flexible architectures several approaches are used, which often differ already on the conceptual grounds. Two of these paradigms are characterized by the strong underlying metaphors plug-ins and agents. Plug-ins emphasize on an extension relation between pairs of components where each component participates in a clearly specified role. Agents have a wide variety of attributes, such as mobility, autonomy, adaptability and pro-activeness. The general relationship of agents is that of peers mutually offering and using their services -- higher organizational abstractions have to be implemented based on this service-oriented view. This paper proposes to conjoin both paradigms of multi-agent systems and plug-in systems, leading to the concept of a plug-in agent. First, we discuss characteristics of both concepts. The discussion clearly shows that agents and extensible components have structural similarities. This follows the combination of both concepts into the new concept of the plug-in agent. The approach presented in this paper is unique as it handles both concepts on the same architectural level -- to our knowledge, all other existing combinations of agents and plug-ins use one of the concepts to model or implement the other.} }