Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus, Michael Köhler-Bußmeier, and Daniel Moldt.
From multi-agent to multi-organization systems: Utilizing middleware
In Alexander Artikis, Gauthier Picard, and Laurent Vercouter,
editors, International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agents
World (ESAW 08), 2008.
Abrégé: Modern software systems share with social organizations the attributes of being large-scale, distributed and heterogeneous systems of systems. The organizational metaphor for software engineering has particularly been adopted in the field of multi-agent systems but not entirely exploited due to an inherent lack of collective levels of action.We propagate a shift from multi-agent to multi-organization systems that we rest upon an organization theoretically inspired reference architecture. We further suggest to utilize agent-oriented technology as a means for realization. We draw upon the wide variety of organizational modelling and middleware approaches and establish a best fit between different approaches and requirements for different architectural levels.
@InProceedings{Koehler+08c, author = {Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias and K{\"o}hler-Bu{\ss}meier, Michael and Moldt, Daniel}, title = {From Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems: Utilizing Middleware Approaches}, booktitle = {International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agents World (ESAW 08)}, year = 2008, editor = {Alexander Artikis and Gauthier Picard and Laurent Vercouter}, annote = {filename = ESAW2008_ORGAN_Pooling/ESAW2008.tex}, abstract = {Modern software systems share with social organizations the attributes of being large-scale, distributed and heterogeneous systems of systems. The organizational metaphor for software engineering has particularly been adopted in the field of multi-agent systems but not entirely exploited due to an inherent lack of collective levels of action.We propagate a shift from multi-agent to multi-organization systems that we rest upon an organization theoretically inspired reference architecture. We further suggest to utilize agent-oriented technology as a means for realization. We draw upon the wide variety of organizational modelling and middleware approaches and establish a best fit between different approaches and requirements for different architectural levels.} }
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