Jan Schlüter, Lawrence Cabac
, and Daniel Moldt.
Adding runtime net manipulation features to MulanViewer.
In 15. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze,
AWPN'08, volume 380 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 87-92.
Universität Rostock, September 2008.
Kurzfassung: MulanViewer, a Mulan inspection tool, is focused on gathering information from a Petri net-based multi-agent system and greatly helps finding bugs, but fixing them is overly time-intensive. We overcome this limitation by extending MulanViewer with runtime net manipulation features. To do so, we analyze a typical debugging cycle, point out bottlenecks and implement the most promising additions. The new features considerably accelerate the identification and fixing of bugs frequently encountered in Mulan applications. Overall the enhancements complement MulanViewer's features to navigate large and complex Petri net implementations by adding manipulation capabilities.[link]
@InProceedings{Cabac+08d, author = {Schl{\"u}ter, Jan and Cabac, Lawrence and Moldt, Daniel}, title = {Adding Runtime Net Manipulation Features to {MulanViewer}}, booktitle = {15. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge f{\"u}r Petrinetze, AWPN'08}, year = 2008, month = sep, pages = {87--92}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {380}, url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-380/paper14.pdf}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Rostock}, abstract = {MulanViewer, a Mulan inspection tool, is focused on gathering information from a Petri net-based multi-agent system and greatly helps finding bugs, but fixing them is overly time-intensive. We overcome this limitation by extending MulanViewer with runtime net manipulation features. To do so, we analyze a typical debugging cycle, point out bottlenecks and implement the most promising additions. The new features considerably accelerate the identification and fixing of bugs frequently encountered in Mulan applications. Overall the enhancements complement MulanViewer's features to navigate large and complex Petri net implementations by adding manipulation capabilities.}, annote = {filename: mulanviewer_awpn.tex} }
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