Lawrence Cabac
and Nicolas Denz.
Net components for the integration of process mining into
agent-oriented software engineering.
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency I
(ToPNoC), 5100:86-103, November 2008.
Kurzfassung: Process mining is increasingly used as an analysis technique to support the understanding of processes in software engineering. Due to the close relation to Petri nets as an underlying theory and representation technique, it can especially add to Petri net-based approaches. However, the complex analysis techniques are not straightforward to understand and handle for software developers with little data mining background.[link]
In this paper, we first discuss possibilities to integrate process mining into our Petri net-based agent-oriented software engineering approach. As the main contribution, we focus on enhancing its usability and introduce a technique and tool for visually modeling process mining algorithms with net components. These can be used to build new complex algorithms as a patch-work of existing procedures and new compositions. Furthermore, they allow for an easy integration with standard tools such as ProM.
@Article{Cabac+08, author = {Cabac, Lawrence and Denz, Nicolas}, title = {Net Components for the Integration of Process Mining into Agent-Oriented Software Engineering}, journal = {Transactions on {P}etri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency {I (ToPNoC)}}, year = 2008, pages = {86--103}, volume = 5100, month = nov, isbn = {978-3-540-89286-1}, xdoi = {10.1007/978-3-540-89287-8_6}, url = {}, series = lncs, annote = {filename = dataflow_pnse.tex}, abstract = {Process mining is increasingly used as an analysis technique to support the understanding of processes in software engineering. Due to the close relation to Petri nets as an underlying theory and representation technique, it can especially add to Petri net-based approaches. However, the complex analysis techniques are not straightforward to understand and handle for software developers with little data mining background. \par In this paper, we first discuss possibilities to integrate process mining into our Petri net-based agent-oriented software engineering approach. As the main contribution, we focus on enhancing its usability and introduce a technique and tool for visually modeling process mining algorithms with net components. These can be used to build new complex algorithms as a patch-work of existing procedures and new compositions. Furthermore, they allow for an easy integration with standard tools such as ProM.} }
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