Michael Köhler and Manfred Kudlek.
Zero-safe nets with debit tokens.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concurrency,
Specification, and Programming (CS&P 2007), 2007.
Kurzfassung: In this contribution we study an extension of zero-safe nets that allows to model cooperation scenarios. Since zero-safe nets cannot be represented as finite nets in general, we study an extension of the firing rule having a close connection to blind counter automatons and the theory of semi-flows. As a main result we obtain, that a representation can always be given as a finite P/T net - although our firing rule is an extension of the original one - i.e. it preserves all the events that have been allowed before.
@InProceedings{Koehler+07h, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and Kudlek, Manfred}, title = {Zero-safe nets with debit tokens}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification, and Programming (CS{\&}P 2007)}, year = 2007, abstract = { In this contribution we study an extension of zero-safe nets that allows to model cooperation scenarios. Since zero-safe nets cannot be represented as finite nets in general, we study an extension of the firing rule having a close connection to blind counter automatons and the theory of semi-flows. As a main result we obtain, that a representation can always be given as a finite P/T net - although our firing rule is an extension of the original one - i.e. it preserves all the events that have been allowed before. } }
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