Michael Köhler and Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus.
Closing the gap between organizational models and multi-agent system
In Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V, volume 4696 of
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 307-309.
Springer-Verlag, 2007.
Kurzfassung: Multi-agent system research deals with organization theoretical concepts in order to analyse and control supra-individual phenomena. However, there exists a conceptual gap between organizational specifications and their multi-agent implementation. We address this problem by presenting an integrated approach for the specification and deployment of organizational models based on Petri nets.
@InProceedings{Koehler+07f, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias}, title = {Closing the Gap Between Organizational Models and Multi-Agent System Deployment}, booktitle = "Multi-Agent Systems and Applications {V}", year = 2007, pages = {307-309}, publisher = Springer, series = LNAI, volume = {4696}, abstract = {Multi-agent system research deals with organization theoretical concepts in order to analyse and control supra-individual phenomena. However, there exists a conceptual gap between organizational specifications and their multi-agent implementation. We address this problem by presenting an integrated approach for the specification and deployment of organizational models based on Petri nets.} }
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