Michael Köhler, Roman Langer, Rolf von Lüde, Daniel Moldt, Heiko Rölke, and Rüdiger Valk.
Socionic multi-agent systems based on reflexive petri nets and
theories of social self-organisation.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 10(1),
Kurzfassung: This contribution summarises the core results of the transdisciplinary ASKO project, part of the German DFG's programme Sozionik, which combines sociologists' and computer scientists' skills in order to create improved theories and models of artificial societies. Our research group has (a) formulated a social theory, which is able to explain fundamental mechanisms of self-organisation in both natural and artificial societies, (b) modelled this in a mathematical way using a visual formalism, and (c) developed a novel multi-agent system architecture which is conceptually coherent, recursively structured (hence non-eclectic) and based on our social theory. The article presents an outline of both a sociological middle-range theory of social self-organisation in educational institutions, its formal, Petri net based model, including a simulation of one of its main mechanisms, and the multi-agent system architecture SONAR. It describes how the theory was created by a re-analysis of some grand social theories, by grounding it empirically, and finally how the theory was evaluated by modelling its concepts and statements.[link]
@article{Koehler+07, title = {Socionic Multi-Agent Systems Based on Reflexive Petri Nets and Theories of Social Self-Organisation}, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and Langer, Roman and von L{\"u}de, Rolf and Moldt, Daniel and R{\"o}lke, Heiko and Valk, R{\"u}diger}, journal = {Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation}, ISSN = {1460-7425}, volume = 10, number = 1, year = 2007, URL = {http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/10/1/3.html}, keywords = {Multi-Agents Systems, Petri Nets, Self-Organisation, Social Theories}, abstract = {This contribution summarises the core results of the transdisciplinary ASKO project, part of the German DFG's programme Sozionik, which combines sociologists' and computer scientists' skills in order to create improved theories and models of artificial societies. Our research group has (a) formulated a social theory, which is able to explain fundamental mechanisms of self-organisation in both natural and artificial societies, (b) modelled this in a mathematical way using a visual formalism, and (c) developed a novel multi-agent system architecture which is conceptually coherent, recursively structured (hence non-eclectic) and based on our social theory. The article presents an outline of both a sociological middle-range theory of social self-organisation in educational institutions, its formal, Petri net based model, including a simulation of one of its main mechanisms, and the multi-agent system architecture SONAR. It describes how the theory was created by a re-analysis of some grand social theories, by grounding it empirically, and finally how the theory was evaluated by modelling its concepts and statements.} }
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