Michael Köhler and Heiko Rölke.
Properties of super-dual nets.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 72(1-3):245-254, 2006.
Kurzfassung: Petri nets can be dualised by interchanging the role of places and transitions. This notion of duality is applicable only for unmarked Petri nets, since a marked place would be translated to a marked transition - which is meaningless - in the dual net. In this presentation we study the formalism of super-dual nets which are a generalisation of Petri nets. Super-dual nets allow for marked transitions also. The properties and the relation to other net formalism is studied.
@article{Koehler+06, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Properties of Super-Dual Nets}, journal = "Fundamenta Informaticae", volume = {72}, number = {1--3}, pages = {245--254}, year = 2006, abstract = {Petri nets can be dualised by interchanging the role of places and transitions. This notion of duality is applicable only for unmarked Petri nets, since a marked place would be translated to a marked transition - which is meaningless - in the dual net. In this presentation we study the formalism of super-dual nets which are a generalisation of Petri nets. Super-dual nets allow for marked transitions also. The properties and the relation to other net formalism is studied.} }
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