Kolja Lehmann, Lawrence Cabac
, Daniel Moldt, and Heiko Rölke.
Towards a distributed tool platform based on mobile agents.
In Proceedings of the Third German Conference on Multi-Agent
System Technologies (MATES), volume 3550 of Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pages 179-190. Springer-Verlag, September 2005.
Kurzfassung: Nowadays many software development (SD) projects are placed in a distributed setting, concerning both the software itself and the resources, processes and actors needed to create or maintain the software. Therefore, tools and methods to support software engineering should be distributed as well. In a SD project many different actors play different roles, all interacting with one another. The software engineering paradigm most suited for this kind of organization in which autonomous actors act and interact is the paradigm of agent-oriented software development (AOSE). This article presents a MAS-based tool platform (cooperative infrastructure) which integrates different tools that are distributed over several agent platforms. The eventual goal of this platform is to create a distributed software development environment. This should easily allow interaction, coordination and cooperation between different participating parties in a software development process, by allowing them to communicate, negotiate, synchronize resources, etc. in a transparent, distributed and dynamic setting.[link]
@InProceedings{Lehmann+05, author = {Lehmann, Kolja and Cabac, Lawrence and Moldt, Daniel and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Towards a Distributed Tool Platform Based on Mobile Agents}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES)}, year = 2005, month = sep, pages = {179--190}, volume = 3550, series = LNAI, publisher = Springer, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=7188v78l61426704}, annote = {Filename: tool-platform2.tex}, abstract = {Nowadays many software development (SD) projects are placed in a distributed setting, concerning both the software itself and the resources, processes and actors needed to create or maintain the software. Therefore, tools and methods to support software engineering should be distributed as well. In a SD project many different actors play different roles, all interacting with one another. The software engineering paradigm most suited for this kind of organization in which autonomous actors act and interact is the paradigm of agent-oriented software development (AOSE). This article presents a MAS-based tool platform (cooperative infrastructure) which integrates different tools that are distributed over several agent platforms. The eventual goal of this platform is to create a distributed software development environment. This should easily allow interaction, coordination and cooperation between different participating parties in a software development process, by allowing them to communicate, negotiate, synchronize resources, etc. in a transparent, distributed and dynamic setting.} }
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