Christian von Scheve and Daniel Moldt.
Emotion: Theoretical investigations and implications for artificial
social aggregates.
In Lindemann et al. (eds.), Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems. First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, pages 189-209.
Abstract: No abstracts yet.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Scheve+04, AUTHOR = {von Scheve, Christian and Moldt, Daniel}, TITLE = {Emotion: Theoretical Investigations and Implications for Artificial Social Aggregates}, CROSSREF = {Lindemann+-e-04}, YEAR = 2004, PAGES = {189--209} } @PROCEEDINGS{Lindemann+-e-04, TITLE = {Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems. First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers}, BOOKTITLE = {Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers}, EDITOR = {Lindemann, Gabriela and Moldt, Daniel and Paolucci, Mario}, PUBLISHER = Springer, ADDRESS = Springer.addr, SERIES = LNCS, VOLUME = {2934}, YEAR = 2004 }
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