Daniel Moldt, Jan Ortmann, and Sven Offermann.
A proposal for Petri net based web service application modeling.
In Nora Koch, Piero Fraternali, and Martin Wirsing, editors, Web
Engineering - 4th International Conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July
26-30, 2004, Proceedings, volume 3140 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 93-97. Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Web engineering can be seen as the application of software engineering in a particular environment. Its most important aspect is the orientation towards distributed systems and their current technology. Current specification techniques like UML (Unified Modeling Language) do not cover concurrency, distribution and deployment in a sufficient way. This is one major reason why Web engineering is considered to be such a difficult job. And finally we introduce a tool set based on Renew, a tool for reference nets, to support these modeling approach. We propose a modelling technique based on high-level Petri nets, called reference nets. They naturally allow for the modelling of processes. Additionally we introduce a framework that covers the other aspects of Web application modelling. Through this, we explain how Web applications can be modeled in an intuitive and direct way to cover the specific problems of concurrency, distribution and deployment during the specification of Web service applications.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Moldt+04h, author = {Moldt, Daniel and Ortmann, Jan and Offermann, Sven}, editor = {Koch, Nora and Fraternali, Piero and Wirsing, Martin}, booktitle = {Web Engineering - 4th International Conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July 26-30, 2004, Proceedings}, publisher = Springer, series = LNCS, volume = {3140}, year = 2004, isbn = {3-540-22511-0}, pages = {93--97}, title = {A Proposal for {Petri} Net Based Web Service Application Modeling}, keywords = {high-level Petri nets, nets within nets, reference nets, Renew, Web service, modeling, specification, Mulan}, abstract = {Web engineering can be seen as the application of software engineering in a particular environment. Its most important aspect is the orientation towards distributed systems and their current technology. Current specification techniques like UML (Unified Modeling Language) do not cover concurrency, distribution and deployment in a sufficient way. This is one major reason why Web engineering is considered to be such a difficult job. And finally we introduce a tool set based on Renew, a tool for reference nets, to support these modeling approach. We propose a modelling technique based on high-level Petri nets, called reference nets. They naturally allow for the modelling of processes. Additionally we introduce a framework that covers the other aspects of Web application modelling. Through this, we explain how Web applications can be modeled in an intuitive and direct way to cover the specific problems of concurrency, distribution and deployment during the specification of Web service applications.} }