Michael Köhler and Heiko Rölke.
Properties of Object Petri Nets.
In J. Cortadella and W. Reisig, editors, International
Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2004, volume 3099 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 278-297. Springer-Verlag,
In this presentation we study formalisms that allow Petri nets as tokens. The relationship towards common Petri net models and decidability issues are studied. Especially for ``elementary object-net systems'' defined by R. Valk the decidability of the reachability and the boundedness problem is considered. It is shown that reachability becomes undecidable while boundedness remains decidable for elementary object-net systems. Furthermore it is shown that even for minimal extensions the formalism obtains the power of Turing machines.[link]
@InProceedings{Koehler+04d, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Properties of {Object} {Petri} {Nets}}, booktitle = {International Conference on Application and Theory of {Petri} Nets 2004}, pages = {278--297}, year = 2004, volume = 3099, editor = {J. Cortadella and W. Reisig}, series = LNCS, publisher = Springer, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/BLXWQ2EP7CFU2P0Y}, Abstract = { In this presentation we study formalisms that allow Petri nets as tokens. The relationship towards common Petri net models and decidability issues are studied. Especially for ``elementary object-net systems'' defined by R. Valk the decidability of the reachability and the boundedness problem is considered. It is shown that reachability becomes undecidable while boundedness remains decidable for elementary object-net systems. Furthermore it is shown that even for minimal extensions the formalism obtains the power of Turing machines.} }