Berndt Farwer and M. Leuschel.
Model checking object Petri nets in Maude and Prolog.
Technical Report FBI-HH-B-258/04, Fachbereich Informatik,
Universität Hamburg, 2004.
Abrégé: Non disponible.
@techreport{Farwer+04, Abstract = {Object Petri nets (OPNs) provide a natural and modular method for the modelling of many real-world systems. We give a structure-preserving translation of OPNs to Prolog, avoiding the need for an unfolding to a flat Petri net. The translation provides support for reference and value semantics, and even allows different objects to be treated as copyable or non-copyable, respectively. The method is developed for OPNs with arbitrary nesting. We then apply logic programming tools to animate, compile and model check OPNs. In particular, we use the partial evaluation system LOGEN to produce an OPN compiler, and we use the model checker XTL to verify CTL formulas. We also use LOGEN to produce special purpose model checkers. We present two case studies, along with experimental results. A comparison to OPN translations to Maude specifications and model checking is given, showing that our approach is roughly twice as fast for larger systems. We also tackle infinite state model checking using the ECCE system.}, Author = {Farwer, Berndt and Leuschel, M.}, Institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg}, Number = {FBI-HH-B-258/04}, Title = {Model Checking Object {Petri} Nets in {Maude} and {Prolog}}, Year = 2004 }
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