Lawrence Cabac
and Michael Köhler.
Relating higher order reference nets and well-formed nets.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coloured Petri
Nets (CPN 2004). Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, 2004.
Abstract: In this presentation we introduce the formalism of ``Higher Order Reference Nets'' (Hornets). Hornets follow the paradigm of "nets within nets", i.e. the paradigm that allows Petri nets as token objects.
Since all net tokens are objects of some net class they all share the same structure. In our contribution we therefore introduce the notion of well-formed Hornets which can be simulated by well-formed coloured Petri nets. This allows for several analysis techniques, e.g. symbolic state space generation, which automatically takes the system symmetries into account.
@InProceedings{Cabac+04, author = {Cabac, Lawrence and K{\"o}hler, Michael}, title = {Relating Higher Order Reference Nets and Well-Formed Nets}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coloured {Petri} Nets ({CPN 2004})}, year = 2004, publisher = UniAarhus, abstract = {In this presentation we introduce the formalism of ``Higher Order Reference Nets'' (Hornets). Hornets follow the paradigm of "nets within nets", i.e. the paradigm that allows Petri nets as token objects. \par Since all net tokens are objects of some net class they all share the same structure. In our contribution we therefore introduce the notion of well-formed Hornets which can be simulated by well-formed coloured Petri nets. This allows for several analysis techniques, e.g. symbolic state space generation, which automatically takes the system symmetries into account.} }
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