Daniel Moldt.
Introduction and conclusion to part IV: Validation and execution.
In Girault and Valk , Petri Nets for Systems Engineering: A Guide to Modelling, Verification, and Applications, chapters 19 and 22, pages
403-408, 411-415, 478-479.
@INCOLLECTION{Moldt03, AUTHOR = {Moldt, Daniel}, TITLE = {Introduction and Conclusion to Part {IV}: Validation and Execution}, PAGES = {403--408, 411--415, 478--479}, CHAPTER = {19 and 22}, TYPE = {Chapters}, YEAR = 2003, CROSSREF = {Girault+-e-03} } @PROCEEDINGS{Girault+-e-03, EDITOR = {Girault, C. and Valk, R{\"u}diger}, TITLE = {{Petri} Nets for Systems Engineering: A Guide to Modelling, Verification, and Applications}, BOOKTITLE = {{Petri} Nets for Systems Engineering: A Guide to Modelling, Verification, and Applications}, ADDRESS = Springer.addr, PUBLISHER = Springer, YEAR = 2003 }