Michael Köhler, Daniel Moldt, and Heiko Rölke.
A discussion of social norms with respect to the micro-macro link.
In Lindemann et al. , Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications (RASTA'03).
In Verbindung mit: The Ninth International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2003), 24-28 June, 2003 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
@InProceedings{Koehler+03h, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {A Discussion of Social Norms with Respect to the Micro-Macro Link}, crossref = {Lindemann+-e-03}, year = 2003, } @Proceedings{Lindemann+-e-03, editor = {Lindemann, Gabriela and Moldt, Daniel and Paolucci, Mario}, title = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications ({RASTA'03})}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications ({RASTA'03})}, note = {In Verbindung mit: The Ninth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2003), 24--28 June, 2003 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK}, year = 2003 }