Michael Duvigneau.
Petrinetzbasierte Agentenprogrammierung.
In Gabriel Juh'as and Robert Lorenz, editors, Algorithms and
Tools for Petri Nets. 10th Workshop, Proceedings, pages 98-101,
Eichstätt, Germany, September 2003. GI Special Interest Group on Petri
Nets and Related System Models, Katholische Universität
Abstract: No abstracts yet.
@InProceedings{Duvigneau03b, author = {Duvigneau, Michael}, title = {{Petrinetzbasierte Agentenprogrammierung}}, booktitle = {Algorithms and Tools for {Petri} Nets. 10th Workshop, Proceedings}, pages = {98--101}, year = 2003, editor = {Juh{'a}s, Gabriel and Lorenz, Robert}, address = {Eichst{\"a}tt, Germany}, month = sep, organization = {GI Special Interest Group on {Petri} Nets and Related System Models}, publisher = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt} }
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