Lawrence Cabac
Generating code structures for Petri net-based Agent Interaction
Protocols using Net Components.
In Workshop: Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets, September
Kurzfassung: In this paper we introduce a straight forward approach for generating Petri Net code structures from AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams. This approach is based on the usage of net components which provide basic tasks and the structure for Petri Nets. agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components we are able to generate code structures from the drawings. We provide tool support for this approach by combining a tool for net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is integrated into Renew (The Reference Net Workshop).
@InProceedings{Cabac03a, author = {Cabac, Lawrence}, title = {Generating Code Structures for {Petri} Net-Based {Agent Interaction Protocols} Using {Net Components}}, booktitle = {Workshop: Algorithms and Tools for {Petri} Nets}, year = 2003, month = sep, abstract = {In this paper we introduce a straight forward approach for generating Petri Net code structures from AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams. This approach is based on the usage of net components which provide basic tasks and the structure for Petri Nets. agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components we are able to generate code structures from the drawings. We provide tool support for this approach by combining a tool for net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is integrated into Renew (The Reference Net Workshop).} }
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