Michael Köhler and Heiko Rölke.
Modelling the micro-macro-link: Towards a sociologically grounded
design of multi-agent systems.
In C. Jonker, G. Lindemann, and P. Panzarasa, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid
Organization (MASHO'02), at the 25th German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI'2002), 2002.
@InProceedings{Koehler+02c, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Modelling the Micro-Macro-Link: Towards a Sociologically Grounded Design of Multi-Agent Systems}, editor = {Jonker, C. and Lindemann, G. and Panzarasa, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organization (MASHO'02), at the 25th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI'2002)}, year = 2002 }