Michael Duvigneau, Daniel Moldt, and Heiko Rölke.
Concurrent architecture for a multi-agent platform.
In Fausto Giunchiglia, James Odell, and Gerhard Weiß, editors,
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. 3rd International Workshop,
AOSE 2002, Bologna. Proceedings, pages 147-159. ACM Press, July 2002.
Kurzfassung: A multi-agent system has a high degree of concurrency. Petri nets are a well-established means for the description of concurrent systems. Reference nets are higher level, object-oriented Petri nets. With Renew (REference NEt Workshop), there exists a tool to model and execute reference nets with seamless Java integration. So, reference nets can be used to design executable multi-agent systems while hiding the sometimes annoying details of concurrent implementations in traditional programming languages. The technique is currently used to implement a FIPA-compliant agent platform for multi-agent systems (called CAPA) focused on retaining a maximum level of concurrency in the system.
@InProceedings{Duvigneau+02a, author = {Duvigneau, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Concurrent Architecture for a Multi-agent Platform}, booktitle = {Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. 3rd International Workshop, AOSE~2002, Bologna. Proceedings}, pages = {147--159}, year = 2002, editor = {Giunchiglia, Fausto and Odell, James and Wei{\ss}, Gerhard}, month = jul, publisher = ACMPRESS, abstract = {A multi-agent system has a high degree of concurrency. Petri nets are a well-established means for the description of concurrent systems. Reference nets are higher level, object-oriented Petri nets. With Renew (REference NEt Workshop), there exists a tool to model and execute reference nets with seamless Java integration. So, reference nets can be used to design executable multi-agent systems while hiding the sometimes annoying details of concurrent implementations in traditional programming languages. The technique is currently used to implement a FIPA-compliant agent platform for multi-agent systems (called CAPA) focused on retaining a maximum level of concurrency in the system.} }
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