Gul Agha, Fiorella De Cindio, and Grzegorz Rozenberg, editors.
Advances in Petri Nets: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
and Petri Nets, volume 2001 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer-Verlag, 2001.
@BOOK{Agha+-e-01, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in {Petri} Nets: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and {Petri} Nets}, EDITOR = {Agha, Gul and De Cindio, Fiorella and Rozenberg, Grzegorz}, PUBLISHER = Springer, SERIES = LNCS, TITLE = {Advances in {Petri} Nets: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and {Petri} Nets}, VOLUME = {2001}, YEAR = 2001 }