Sven Heitsch, Marcel Martens, and Daniel Moldt.
Petri nets with synchronous channels applied to a sociological
In Second Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured
Petri Nets and Design/CPN (CPN'99), Aarhus, 1999.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Heitsch+99a, AUTHOR = {Heitsch, Sven and Martens, Marcel and Moldt, Daniel}, BOOKTITLE = {Second Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured {Petri} Nets and Design/CPN (CPN'99), Aarhus}, TITLE = {{Petri} Nets with Synchronous Channels Applied to a Sociological Model}, TYPE = {{Work in Progress Presentation at CPN'99 in Aarhus, see URL}: \texttt{}}, YEAR = 1999 }