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Analysis and Verification of High-Level-Nets in Combination with Formal Estelle Specifications.

Nützel, Jürgen; Fengler, Wolfgang

In: Workshop for Petri Nets Applied to Protocols, Torino, June 26, 1995. 1995.

Abstract: This paper tries to combine the benefits of a standard specification language like Estelle with the wide design and analysis facilities of high-level petri nets. The formal Pascal-like language Estelle was specially designed by ISO for the specification of communication protocols and services. First we present in this paper an Extended Coloured Petri Net class which was developed for the design, verification and performance evaluation of communication protocols. The reason for combining Estelle with this special net class was to support the normal Estelle designer (not knowing the profits during using petri nets) with additional design (e.g. stochastic transitions) and simulation features (e.g. describing the asynchronous behaviour of the communication network).

Keywords: Estelle, Extended Coloured Petri Nets, Formal Specification, Verification, Protocol Specification, Performance Evaluation.

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