Probleme de Lingvistică Matematică
Prof. Dr. Kudlek,
Prof. Dr. Elmar Ternes
Lansat în 1987
Cuvinte cheie:
Lingvistică matematică, limbaje naturale, Universalia, Numeralia
Cercetarea proprietăţilor universale ale limbajelor naturale.
Dezvoltarea unui model matematic pentru descrierea pronumelor personale.
Dezvoltarea unei descrieri formale a timpului gramatical şi a aspectului
folosind logica modală şi temporală.
Cercetarea şi caracterizarea sistemului de nume ale numerelor în
limbaje naturale folosind modele de limbaje matematice şi formale.
- Manfred Kudlek
Computer Programs for Generating and Analyzing Quiché Verb
(Atti del XL. Congresso Internazionale degli Americanisti, Vol 3,
pp. 45-53, Tilgher, Genova, 1975)
- Manfred Kudlek
La Estructura Verbal del Otomí Clásico
(Indiana 7, pp. 57-79, Gebr. Mann, Berlin, 1982)
- Manfred Kudlek
A Mathematical Model for Personal Pronouns
(In: Mathematical Aspects of Natural and Formal Languages, ed Gh. Păun,
pp. 245-256, World Scientific, 1994)
- Manfred Kudlek
Some Formal Aspects of Time, Tense and Aspect
(Proceedings of RANLP'95, pp. 322-328, 1995)
- Manfred Kudlek
Time, Tense and Aspect
(Reports Universitat Rovira i Virgili, GRLMC, 6/95, pp. 3-9, 1996)
- Manfred Kudlek
Personal Pronouns
(Reports Universitat Rovira i Virgili, GRLMC, 6/95, pp. 11-21, 1996)
- Manfred Kudlek
Number Name Systems
(Reports Universitat Rovira i Virgili, GRLMC, 6/95, pp. 23-84, 1996)
- Manfred Kudlek
A Model of Personal Pronouns
(Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural Language.
Ed. C. Martín Vide. Studies in Functional and Structural
Linguistics 45, pp. 311-326, Benjamins, 1998)
- Manfred Kudlek, Ştefan Andrei
Morphological Grammars
(FBI-Bericht 203/97, 29 p., VII 1997)
- Manfred Kudlek, Ştefan Andrei
Morphological Grammars
(Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Al. I. Cuza
din Iaşi,
Tomul V-VI, 1996-1997, pp. 85-113, 1998)
- Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Alexandru Mateescu
An Infinite Hierarchy of Mildly Context-sensitive Families of Languages
(TUCS Technical Report 163, 17 p., 1998)
- Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Alexandru Mateescu
An Infinite Hierarchy of Mildly Context-sensitive Families of Languages
(In: Issues in Mathematical Linguistics: a Workshop,
ed. C. Martín Vide, pp. 53-71, Benjamins, 1999)
- Manfred Kudlek
A Model of Personal Pronouns
(MFCS'98 Workshop 'Mathematical Linguistics' - Proceedings,
ed. M. Kudlek, FBI-Bericht 213/98, pp. 137-147, VII 1998)
- Manfred Kudlek (Editor)
MFCS'98 Workshop 'Mathematical Linguistics' - Proceedings
(FBI-Bericht 213/98, 148 p., VII 1998)
- Joseph C. H. Chen, Manfred Kudlek
Duality of Syntax and Semantics - From the View point of Brain as a
Quantum Computer
(Proceedings of RANLP'2001, ed. G. Angelova, K. Bontcheva, R. Mitkov,
N. Nicolov, N. Nikolov, pp. 72-78, 2001)
- Manfred Kudlek, Carlos Martín Vide, Alexandru Mateescu, Victor Mitrana
Context and the Cocept of Mild Context-sensitivity
(Linguistics and Philosophy, vol. 26, nr. 6, pp. 703-725, 2003)
- Manfred Kudlek
A Formal Model of Personal Pronouns
(Ketzalcalli 2006-1, pp. 111-128, 2006)
- Manfred Kudlek
Zahlnamensysteme in den Indianischen Sprachen Lateinamerikas
(in: Götter, Gräber und Globalisierung: Indianisches Leben in
Mesoamerika -
40 Jahre Alt- und Mesoamerikanistik an der Universität Hamburg.
eds. L. Frühsorge, A. Hinz, A. Kern, U. Wölfel, pp. 45-68,
Dr. Kovač Verlag, Hamburg, 2010)
- Manfred Kudlek
Sistemas de Contar en Lenguas Indígenas de Latinoamérica
(Ketzalcalli 2007-2, pp. 101-124, 2008)
- Manfred Kudlek
A Mathematical Description of Pronouns
(in: Language as a Complex System: Interdisciplinary
Challenges, eds. G. Bel-Enguix, M. D.
Jiménez-López, Cambridge Scholars Publishers,
pp. 91-110, 2010)