Dévelopment des Systèmes de Metafont et TEX pour Écritures Non-latines
Dr. Berhanu Beyene, ancien candidat au doctorat
Prof. Dr. Kudlek, professeur
Dr. Olaf Kummer, ancien chercheur associé
Jochen Metzinger
Karim Senoucci
Jens Vogler
Mots clés:
- Berhanu Beyene, Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer, Jochen Metzinger
Ethiopian Language Support for the Babel Package
(FBI-Bericht FBI-HH-B-197/97, 33 p., III 1997)
- Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer, Karim Senoucci, Jens Vogler
KirilTeX - A Cyrillic Package for LaTeX. A first report
(Proc. of International Summer School Information Technologies
in Social Sciences and Humanities, Burgas, June 25-29, 1997,
pp. 25-34, 1997)
- Berhanu Beyene, Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer
A Note on Encoding Ethiopic for LaTeX
(Aethiopica 3, pp. 132-152, 2000)
- Berhanu Beyene, Manfred Kudlek
Calendars in Ethiopia
(FBI-Bericht 286/09, 13 p, II-2009)